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Avatar 2 is coming in 2016

Category: , By Unknown
Last January, director James Cameron revealed he is planning to release Avatar 2 in December 2014, and Avatar 3 in December 2015. It seems that timetable has moved up a bit, since producer Jon Landau revealed that Avatar 2 won’t be ready until 2016. Here’s an excerpt from the article.

“According to Landau , the first sequel is ‘four years away.’ So that’s 2016 by a literal count, though we could be bendy and assume that Christmas 2015 would also be an option. Expect Avatar 3 a year later, as the performance capture and cinematography would take place back-to-back with the second film.”

How many movies make $2 billion at the box office? Few…, so it was only obvious that Fox would push director James Cameron for an Avatar 2. According to news reports Cameron has apparently worked out the story for three films already.
James Cameron is planning to shoot some footage seven miles underwater in the Challenger Deep, the deepest point of the Mariana Trench and also the deepest location on earth. The pressure at such a depth would be over 8 tons per square inch – far beyond the capabilities of even the most advanced Russian military subs, which can handle only 1,600 pounds per square inch.
Rumors that Cameron and Fox are going to use the enormous Avatar profits to bankroll the space program to find an ocean-covered planet to film Avatar 2 The Abyss are as yet unfounded. But it would explain why audiences will have to wait until 2014 for the movie . . .So avatar 2 will be in fact avatar 2014…

We also reported in September that James Cameron wants to shoot Avatar 2 at 60 frames per second, as opposed to the industry standard 24 frames per second. Jon Landau revealed that James Cameron is committed to the higher frame rate.

“Landau promised that Avatar 2 was going to showcase advanced technology, from the 3D camera system used to the CG and performance capture, but also in terms of a higher framerate. This, he says, is the new frontier that he and Cameron are most interested in pushing.”

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